On today's show, we look back at the November election, and how easily, or not, people with disabilities were able to cast our ballots here in California. We also look forward and hear some of the voting advocacy work in the pipeline for the coming year.

On today's show, we look back at the November election, and how easily, or not, people with disabilities were able to cast our ballots here in California. We also look forward and hear some of the voting advocacy work in the pipeline for the coming year.

We are joined by two guests. Paul Spencer is staff attorney with the voting practice group at Disability Rights California. Paul follows voting issues and access for people with disabilities across the state and has been at this work for over four years. Paul, it is great to have you back with us on Disability Rap.

And Russell Rawlings is also with us. Russell is the statewide community organizer at the California Foundation of Independent Living Centers, where he also runs the Disability Organizing network. Russell joined the team at CFILC back in April after serving as the systems change advocate at Resources For Independent Living in Sacramento for three years. Russell, it is great to have you on Disability Rap, as well.

And later in the show, we will also hear from our very own Carl Sigmond, who facilitates the Disability Organizing Network’s Voting Access and Advocacy Work Group.